Innergy Healing
Innergy Healing
I am back, the silence is over!
After an extended period of silence, I am elated to rejoin you all.
The time has come to embark on a spirited journey of growth, rejuvenation, and profound exploration into the boundless energies of the universe.
It is with great joy that I reunite with each and every one of you for this inspiring odyssey.
Thank you for listening to the Innergy Healing podcast, where we explore the mysteries of spirituality and self-discovery.
We desire that each episode; provides you; with fresh ideas and views on your path to inner healing and progress.
Our mission is to provide tools and techniques to help you tap into your inner wisdom and harness your power to create a fulfilling and joyful life.
Remember to respect your individuality, follow your instincts, and approach your spiritual path with an open mind and heart.
We invite you to join us for our next episode, in which we will continue to dive further into the universe's mysteries.
We look forward to having more insightful conversations with you in future episodes.
Stay tuned until then; may you be surrounded by love, light, and positive energy.
Sonia: Truly I am back. Sorry for the long time that I have been absent, but it was time for me to go within to find space to find this sacred silence.
Time to recuperate from the strong energies that we are being bombarded with.
I took some time to go back my learnings to go back within and search what I was given by my amazing teachers to find that within.
We are one and my teachers are teachers who are already within you within us. It is time to find the masters, the master that we are it is time to understand that we are required to work really hard to find the harmony and the beauty within.
It was a difficult journey. It was a journey to go within and to understand that even if you have so much to learn what we know is okay, it is what is necessary for us at this moment. Whatever you have done, whatever we have achieved at whatever space and time and advancement where it is proper and is okay for us.
Each one of us is in the perfect space at the perfect time.
It is required in the universe at
These moments for quite some time I received the call of
Taking a journey.
journey to explore ancient teachings, to explore places that are so old that are beyond our comprehension.
I went to Egypt with an open mind. Open heart ready to explore, ready to receive whatever I was supposed to receive
was quite powerful in this ancient place where the power of pyramids and tools and things that are really over the times of other locations, other ages; the power may be is silent, the power maybe it is dormant but it is about us. It is the way that we have to activate the power within.
So we can activate the power this energy vortexes these energies contained in ancient ruins.
It was quite a journey; was quite a journey of understanding of seeing the beauty the not-so-beautiful, the power of the light, and the power of the darkness.
So this podcast is going to be short because it is time for me to generate some of the information and ready to give it to you.
I ask for your forgiveness for having been away from you and from this podcast for a long time.
A new journey is awaiting a New Year of powerful visions of powerful changes.
It is time time has come and it will be a joyful a difficult one. And all of the above is again forgive me but we'll come back to you soon. I didn't want to go so long without being with you. Until next time, this is Sonia. Be well.