Innergy Healing
The Innergy Healing Podcast, created and hosted by Sonia, seeks to bring together modern life and the purity of the ancient teaching of spirituality. The purpose is to share the energy of the teachings to help you, the listener, manifest and create the magnificent reality that you dream of; to Share love, understanding, and joy through a normal conversation. Meditations for the modern active person, to be incorporated, into your daily routine. A few minutes a day may change the way you perceive your life and how you interact with the world. Topics about spirituality, chakras, self-healing, healing with your own energy power, and much more will be introduced. Sonia has been trained and initiated by Master Goswamy Sunyata Saraswati of the Trishu Shambala Tibetan Raku Lingka empowered by Tsampa Yeshe Norbu Rimpoche, Nepal. “I was very blessed to have amazing teachers that have guided me, now it is my turn to help.”As a certified and empowered Tibetan Reiki Vajra gTummo Raku Kei teacher and practitioner of the 7th degree, Seichim, Lama Yoga 4th degree, Usui Reiki, Magnified Healing Master teacher, it is an honor to share with you the healing energies of these teachings. Check into my website regularly to discover new episodes to acquire confidence in your skills, to develop your ability and knowledge of meditation and spiritual practices. Podcast episodes are also available in Spanish.El Podcast de Innergy Healing, creado y presentado por Sonia, busca unir la vida moderna y la pureza de la antigua enseñanza de la espiritualidad.El propósito es compartir la energía de las enseñanzas para ayudarlo a usted, el oyente, a manifestar y crear la magnífica realidad con la que sueña; compartir amor, comprensión y alegría a través de una conversación.Meditaciones para las personas moderna, para incorporarlas a su rutina diaria. Unos minutos al día pueden cambiar la forma en que percibe su vida y cómo interactúa con el mundo. Se introducirán temas sobre espiritualidad, chakras, autocuración, sanación con su propio poder energético y mucho más.Sonia ha sido entrenada e iniciada por el Maestro Goswamy Sunyata Saraswati del Trishu Shambala Tibetan Raku Lingka empoderado por Tsampa Yeshe Norbu Rimpoche, Nepal.“Tuve la gran suerte de tener maestros increíbles que me han guiado, ahora es mi turno de ayudar”.Como maestra certificada y empoderada de Reiki Vajra gTummo Raku Kei tibetano y practicante de séptimo nivel, Seichim, Lama Yoga de cuarto nivel, Usui Reiki, maestra de Magnified Healing, es un honor compartir con ustedes las energías curativas de estas enseñanzas.Visite mi sitio web con regularidad para descubrir nuevos episodios para adquirir confianza en sus habilidades, para desarrollar su capacidad y conocimiento de la meditación y las prácticas espirituales.
147 episodes
Mantras and Sacred Expressions for Daily Practice
Throughout history, humanity has used sound in the form of a mantra or sacred expressions. These tools help you to align with the Divine Mind, awaken the inner power of healing, and ignite the fire within. In our modern world, many...

Walking the Spiritual Path: A Journey of Love, Light, and Understanding
Your Spiritual Path is your journey, a journey that only you can take. We walk a path that is not always understood by those around us, and we may be seen as dreamers, mystics, or seekers who do not quite fit within the mold of ordi...

Meditation in the Pyramid of Giza
Today, we embark on a journey to one of the most mysterious and powerful places on Earth—the Great Pyramid of Giza.See yourself stepping into this ancient monument, a structure from long ago, from other times and mysteries.
Awakening to Universal Cosciousness.
How Spiritual Practices Evolve and Empower Our Journey. We're diving into the profound ways our spiritual practices evolve and interconnect as we journey through teaching and learning. Over the years, I’ve c...

Exploring the path of Ascension with Magnified Healing® practice.
In today’s episode, we will explore the profound connection between Magnified Healing® and the ascension journey. Ascension refers to raising one’s vibration, expanding consciousness, and aligning with higher spiritual frequencies—esse...

Om Mani Padme Hum interpretation
The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum calls us to reawaken love and wisdom. The love and wisdom given to us at the time of our creation. It is a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Meditating using this mantra,&...

Raise your Vibration
Are you ready for the challenge of raising your vibration to advance inyour spiritual journey?
Season 4
Episode 1

Healing Meditation in the Temple
Take a few deep breaths, breath in and out. Inhale the cosmic energy exhaling all that does not serve you any longer.It is time to calm down and center in your sacred space to receive healing.Your special time is now, take a few moments...
Season 4

Tu eres un ser único, parte de la expansión universal.
El año 2024 nos traerá muchas cosas, buenas y malas, pero el mensaje que he recibido y debo transmitirles es que estamos aquí en la tierra y experimentando expansión. Expansión es evolución.
Season 4
Episode 1

Your Expansion. You are unique and powerful!
The year 2024 will bring us many, many, many things, good and bad, but the message that I received that it must convey to you is that we are here on earth experience expansion. Experience expansion through evolution means to experience expa...
Season 4
Episode 1

Innergy Healing Podcast in Italiano
Benvenuti al podcast di Innergy Healing. Un podcast dedicato a te che sei alla ricerca di metodi non convenzionali di meditazione e guarigioni energetiche. Uno spazio sacro dove la conoscenza scorre liberamente e le tue domande trovano ...
Season 1
Episode 1

Introduction to the Tibetan Golden Light Meditation.
From ancient Tibet, we received the Golden Light Meditation.From the teachings I received from Goswami Sunyata Saraswati, I am presenting the Golden Light meditation and the benefits you may receive from it.These are very special ti...
Introducción a la meditación tibetana de la luz dorada.
El poder de la Luz Sanadora , introducción a los beneficios que recibimos al practicar esta meditación originada en Tibet.Son tiempos muy especiales, ahora más que nunca muchas energías están pasando a través de nosotros. ¡Es hora de ap...

Preparing for the next journey!
We need to prepare ourselves for the next journey; we need to be strong and we need to share strength, love, and compassion with everyone. Life is an adventure and a preparation for the next one.What do you do to prepare?...

I am back, the silence is over!
After an extended period of silence, I am elated to rejoin you all. The time has come to embark on a spirited journey of growth, rejuvenation, and profound exploration into the boundless energies of the universe. It is w...

Unveiling the Divine Within: A Journey to Discover Your Higher Self!
Part 2 of Journey to Discover Your Higher Self!This 'Innergy Healing: Divine Remembrance' episode is an invitation to reconnect with your higher self and uncover the divine spark that fires your being.Are you ready to embark on...
Episode 2

Unveiling the Divine Within: A Journey to Discover Your Higher Self
Join Sonia as we delve into the realms of spiritual awakening, guiding you on a path of remembrance and reconnection with your higher self.This 'Innergy Healing: Divine Remembrance' episode is an invitation to reconnect with your higher ...
The Violet Flame of Transmutation
The Violet Flame is a powerful tool that can help you transform your life. You can live a more positive, fulfilling life by using it to transmute negativity.In these times of significant change and uncertainty, we all need the power of the ...
Episode 2

The Power of the Violet Flame of Trasmutation
Today, we will discuss how the Violet Flame can transmute negativity and transgressions, its history, and its use by Saint Germain, an ascended master.The Violet Flame is a powerful tool that can help you transform your life. By using it...

Reach your full potential!
"Don't wait any longer to reach your full potential. The power to change is within you. Start your journey towards personal development today and see the positive impact it will have on your life."

Unlock Your True Potential: Embrace Personal Development Today!
Be kind, be gentle to your self and trust the process of your transformation.I want to remind you that we are all in this together. Every single person in this world is feeling this transformation in different ways and with...

Evolving into the new era.
We are starting a new year and a new adventure into a new vibrational dimension.It is time to put all of your experiences and knowledge gained over time to use this year.Let's do it together to gather the strength and momentum to ...