Innergy Healing
Innergy Healing
Your Expansion. You are unique and powerful!
The year 2024 will bring us many, many, many things, good and bad, but the message that I received that it must convey to you is that we are here on earth experience expansion.
Experience expansion through evolution means to experience expansion means everything you experience, through emotions through situations of daily life, experiences of pain, joy love, beauty, and expressions of self-uniqueness.
Thank you for listening to the Innergy Healing podcast, where we explore the mysteries of spirituality and self-discovery.
We desire that each episode; provides you; with fresh ideas and views on your path to inner healing and progress.
Our mission is to provide tools and techniques to help you tap into your inner wisdom and harness your power to create a fulfilling and joyful life.
Remember to respect your individuality, follow your instincts, and approach your spiritual path with an open mind and heart.
We invite you to join us for our next episode, in which we will continue to dive further into the universe's mysteries.
We look forward to having more insightful conversations with you in future episodes.
Stay tuned until then; may you be surrounded by love, light, and positive energy.
Sonia 0.13: Dear Friends Family of Light Welcome. Welcome to season four of Innergy Healing podcast. This is Sonia, the year 2024 will bring us many changes, and many new adventures. Are you ready to start this year?
I started the year 2024 in a bit of isolation mode. I was only with family and in places where there was not too much of civilization. And that was done on purpose, it was done to be able to connect with nature to connect with my higher self, and to connect with my guides in a more profound way. These are times of profound changes, profound changes, and positions that everyone each one of us is feeling in a different way in a different intensity maybe you do realize that you are feeling the changes, or maybe not. And that is okay. Each one of us is at the exact place. There needs to be in order to advance spiritually. The year 2024 will bring us many, many, many things, good and bad, but the message that I received that it must convey to you is that we are here on earth experience expansion. Experience expansion through evolution. What it means to experience expansion. Means that everything you experience, through emotions through situations of daily life, experiences of pain, joy love, beauty, and expressions of self uniqueness. Yes, uniqueness. Because you are unique, you are one of a kind you are amazing in each experience the discovery, the understanding that you are one very important piece of the oneness. You are a very important piece deal to my friend embrace uniqueness is part of the universal consciousness not only of the Earth, and the universe there is powerful information, and there is a powerful message that we need to understand that we have chosen to be on earth at this time. And why why you say why we chose to be on Earth to suffer to go through so many pains, but we called her through joy and lots of love.
So all these experiences are part of your learning curve. It is part of the learning of the emotions. If not why we're here? Why will you be here? experience all these different emotions why? Why if not to contribute to the knowledge of the earth?
You are here to experience and to increase your knowledge. The knowledge that in the end you will bring to the universe. This knowledge that you are acquiring to the different situations and the different experiences of your daily life is very important. It is a very important key.
A key advancement of the expansion. An important part of this year 2024 Is that we must be optimistic. We need to try even when times are tough and very difficult. We really need to try to be positive to take it with a grain of salt. Knowing this is just a temporary experience is you learning to achieve a different state, a state of life what you learn every moment of the day every day is part of the power.
Power of knowledge not only for you but for humanity, for the universe. As you progress and understand the expansion of one is the expansion the expansion of the universe and it will be as painful as it will be way to understand that you you the unique one. Powerful One, the beautiful work. Part of an immense design and design of love and understanding of beauty. expansion of the universe, perpetual motion and it takes place every moment and every second.
And what you have learned what is all that you maybe have also forgotten doesn't matter. It stays with you. You have learned that lesson. This stays with you and also contributes to the understanding for many that what you have already learned and acquired through experiences does not vanish. It stays with you. What is beautiful is there is no coming back whatever you have learned and you have understood and have made the advancement knowing that that particular experience to be repeated is now necessary because you have learned it is done. You will not come back to the same experience. To the same process. It is done. It is done for your benefit. It is done for the benefit. So my friends, let's start this year thinking in a positive way and I know there are difficult times each one of us has different situations. Less or more difficult, but everyone goes through these experiences and everyone has to learn certain things. But let's make it a point to try to see the joy the beauty in everything. Let's try to be positive to think positively because everything that you say everything that you think changes the world changes your reality. It is true. Everything you think and everything you do changes your reality. So why not think of this work like a huge movie, a movie with many actors, and many different scenarios. You are the actor. You are the director. You are the creator of this movie. Why not to create a movie that is joyful, abundant, beautiful!
Sonia 10.03:
I know it's not easy. It's easy to be said and done. But let's try it. Let's try to be the director, the creator of this movie called Life, a better life for a more joyful and abundant one. My friend is going to start the year of new creation a year of new learning. It is time for us to create a new movie, a new reality and this is done only through love, joy, and understanding when to start a year of hard work a year of advancement, a year of being positive. So my dear friends until next time. You are this is Sonia from Innergy Healing podcast. Thank you for tuning in.